For over 24 years, Benson Law Firm has been dedicated to representing clients facing a spectrum of criminal charges, ranging from serious class "Y" felonies to misdemeanors and traffic violations. We are committed to vigorously protecting your rights and preserving your freedoms if you're the subject of a criminal investigation or have been charged with a crime. While your initial visit concerning criminal defense is no longer free, Benson Law Firm provides criminal defense through a retainer fee, allowing you to benefit from our experienced and vigorous representation.
The attorneys at Benson Law Firm possess extensive experience dealing with a wide range of criminal charges. Our pledge is to utilize the collective experience of our attorneys and all available resources to pursue determined goals. We work diligently to uncover the case against you and develop a robust defense strategy. Creatively exploring all possible avenues, Benson Law Firm aims for a positive resolution of the charges.
It cannot be emphasized enough that consulting with an attorney at your earliest convenience is crucial if you face criminal charges or are the subject of an investigation. "You have the right to remain silent, and anything you say can and will be used against you" — both parts of this statement are absolutely true.
Your initial visit concerning a criminal charge is no longer free. If you decide it's in your best interest for Benson Law Firm to represent and protect you, charges for services can be through a flat fee for misdemeanors or a retainer fee for felonies. We can discuss the fee structure during your initial consultation. Contact Benson Law Firm now to initiate the investigation of your case and preparation of your defense.